Thursday, July 03, 2008

Little Tunk & Schoodic Point

I decided to do a few more repeats of last year, including swimming at Little Tunk and running around on the rocks at Schoodic Point. While the water in Frenchmans Bay has become increasingly (and disturbingly) polluted, the protected inland waters remain deliciously clear. As perfect a day as this turned out to be, it was at least partly a surprise, then, to arrive at Little Tunk and find it completely deserted. Pretty soon, other people showed up, but not before I'd had the chance to enjoy a local brew with my sandwich.

From there, it was on to Schoodic Point. We stopped at Grindstone Neck of Maine to pick up a few varieties of smoked salmon and scallops. Their selection is comparable with Sullivan Harbor Farms' smoked salmon (etcetera), and I've been meaning to investigate. Stay tuned for a report once I get my hands on some decent bagels. All that said... sheesh... we headed out to Schoodic Point, the mainland extension of Acadia National Park to run around on the rocks.

Later, we returned home to find one of the lowest tides I can remember. (A note on memories and this place: I'll write more as I have the energy. Which I do not tonight.) In no time, we were headed down to the old granite pile to look for starfish with the kids staying down there. We were lucky to find a few, lucky because there is a lot more sediment up in the bay, more scummy residue, and oddly enough piles of mussel shells collected in places where there never were mussel shells before. At least we found a small collection to look at...